If you see the best Humble TX mosquito company for cost-effective mosquito control services, seek no more. Texan Mosquito Systems gives you the best mosquito misting systems in humble Texas at affordable rates. Worry not and call (713) 344-1984 for fast and affordable pest control services for your yard and home.
Texas Mosquito Systems
If you are located in proximity to our 7915 B Wood Duck Park Humble, TX 77396 location, feel free to stop by and give us a visit. We will be more than glad to help you out and find a cost-effective solution to prevent and eliminate the mosquitoes in your home.
Our office is open from seven in the morning to seven at night on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. On Wednesdays, we close at five in the evening, and on Sunday, we close at midday.

Need a Humble TX mosquito company call us!
Feel free to send Texan Mosquito Systems an email; with all of your questions and concerns about our mosquito goods and services; if you do not have the time to call or visit us within our business hours. As a result, one of our mosquito slayers will get back to your email as soon as possible with practical solutions and answers. Do not hesitate and be shy to contact us; we don’t bite like mosquitoes d0; we are your friends.
Also, we provide you with affordable mosquito fighting technology, so your home remains mosquito-free year-round. Thus, call us if you need to protect your family from mosquitoes as soon as possible. Additionally, we give you free estimates and yard evaluations. Therefore, you should consider hiring Texan Mosquito Systems to help you!
Mosquito Breeding
Do you have empty planter pots in your yard? How about empty containers capable of holding water, such as buckets, cups, glasses, toys, and bowls? Well, did you know that those empty containers can become a mosquitoes breeding nest? This is because mosquitoes love standing bodies of water to mate and lay their eggs.
After a long rainy day, the empty containers in your home will get full of water. As a result, when the rains stop, the mosquitoes will come out and breed and lay their eggs in those empty containers.
Mosquito eggs hatch into larvae, larvae turn into pupa; and fully adult grown mosquitoes ready to breed emerge from their pupa state in a few days. Thus your yard can become infested and overruled by mosquitoes in 21 days or less.
You do not want mosquitoes to control your life, do you? Of course, you do not! Thus you need to remove those containers as soon as possible and give us a call. We are the best Humble TX mosquito company that can help you prevent mosquito infestations. If your home suffers from a bad case of mosquito infestation, worry not! We can help terminate the life of those annoying diseases and infection spreading, prehistoric, dangerous, blood starving, vampiric, irritation biting creatures; from your yard, and keep them as far away from your home as soon as possible.
Dangerous Prehistoric Insects
Where you aware that mosquiotes have been in existence since the Triassic period? That was over 400 million years ago. Thus, mosquiotes are older than dinosaurs. Mosquitoes were roaming and feasting on delicious dino blood and have evolved over the decades.
In fact, our ancestors, the cavemen (if you believe in science and the evolution theory), and all of those who came before us were also victims of the vampiric prehistoric terrorist that are mosquitoes.
Did you know that mosquitoes can infect you with dangerous blood-borne pathogens such as viruses, parasites, and bacteria that can progress to life-threatening diseases?
Indeed you do not want to be like the dinosaurs and troglodytes and disappear from this earth. Avoid serious diseases that mosquitoes carry by protecting yourself with our services.
Zika Virus
Did you know that mosquitoes spread the Zika virus from person to person to animal as they feed? You could contract the virus next time a mosquito bites you. Thus, you should not jeopardize your health and risk getting the Zika virus; since the virus has severe consequences.
For example, pregnant women infected with the virus via mosquito bites can give birth to a baby with severe congenital complications. Fetuses infected with Zika are born with malformations, gene mutations, and other health conditions that will affect their daily lives as adults. Thus you need to protect yourself from mosquito bites with one of our effective misting systems.

Protect your beloved family from the disease-spreading mosquitoes!
West Nile Virus
Did you know that mosquitoes get the West Nile virus from birds who are sick? In addition, once the mosquito becomes infected with the virus, they spread the virus to humans and animals alike?
The effects of the West Nile virus can be permanent, life-threatening, and can even cause death in people; since the virus can lead to further health complications.
For example, the virus will attack your central nervous system, affecting the way you think, move, and function in your daily life. The damages to your nervous system are irreversible. Thus you will live with the complications till the end.
There are no know cures, vaccines, or medications to treat the Zika and West Nile viruses. In addition, most people do not experience symptoms when contracting the virus. As a result, the viruses progress to further complications and places people’s lives at risk.
Humble TX mosquito company
Do not let the size of mosquitoes trick you! Mosquiotes are not only gross, creepy, and annoying, but they are also quite dangerous. You need to protect yourself and your beloved family from these nasty diseases spreading creatures as soon as possible.
Worry not; Texan Mosquito Systems has your back. We can install a misting system in your home as soon as four to ten hours; after we schedule your free yard evaluation, quote, and installation date.
Your home will be protected from the parasitic, prehistoric, vampiric, blood starved, and disease-spreading mosquiotes year-round.
Not to brag, but we are the best Humble TX mosquito company, and we have provided our services to local Houstonians for many years; thus, give us a call and let out services do the talk!

Mosquito season is year-round, thus protect yourself from them all year with our affordable services!
Humble TX Facts:
- Joseph Dunman was the first person to live in Humble TX
- Humble TX has a lot of edgy museums
- Houston, TX, is only 20 miles away from Humble.
- Learn more about Humble, TX here.