Superior Mosquito Yard Control | Prosper, TX

Did you know that at Texan Mosquito Systems, you can get superior Prosper TX mosquito yard control?

Unlike pesticides and extermination services, Texan Mosquito Systems’ mosquito misting system takes care of your pest problem for good. We offer expert pest control services that will keep mosquitoes from infecting you and your home.

Texan Mosquito Systems has been proudly serving Texan communities for many years. We are honored to keep your Texan homes clean and safe from any unwanted pests. To learn more, call us or drop by at one of our locations. We’d be thrilled to answer any questions.

Happy (Sunny) Days Are Here

Roll out those lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer! These are the days of picnics, pool parties, barbecues…and swarms of mosquitoes eager to feast upon our exposed flesh. Alas, mosquito populations can ruin even the hardiest and most well-planned of outdoor events. You may be getting out the annual bug spray, insecticide, fly swatter, or even mosquito netting as we speak.

But mosquitoes are not harmless if annoying pests. Mosquitoes are one of the deadliest creatures to humans, killing up to a million people per year. This is because they transmit more diseases than any other animal on this planet. And yes, some of these diseases can prove fatal.

Prosper TX mosquito yard control

Get rid of those infuriating mosquitos can call a Prosper TX mosquito yard control service: Texan Mosquito Systems.

Mosquito, Quid Est?

The word mosquito is Spanish for “little fly,” the diminutive of mosca. There are up to 3,500 species of mosquitoes. Some species are active in the winter, but the most familiar – and most annoying – thrive in the summer, in warm weather and standing water.

Mosquitoes reproduce by laying eggs on the water’s surface, which hatch into motile larvae that feed on aquatic algae and organic material. Once they mature into adults, they pierce a host’s skin and feed on their blood. The mosquito’s saliva transfers to the host during the bite. This causes a rash we call a mosquito bite.

More disturbingly, many species ingest pathogens while feeding. These pathogens can develop into diseases such as malaria, Zika, chikungunya, dengue, and other diseases. Aedes albopictus and Aedes aegypti specifically carry chikungunya and even the West Nile virus. Mosquitoes obtain these viruses from infected birds, particularly predatory ones.

Because of the danger mosquitoes pose, it is not recommended that you leave the health of your home and business up to happenstance. Texan Mosquito Systems is the pest control company you need to make sure these creatures do not infect your home. We provide mosquito control services you can trust to keep your home mosquito-free. Contact us today to get your Prosper TX mosquito yard control service!

Our Services

Texan Mosquito Systems installs, maintains, and repairs mosquito misting systems. Misting systems are outdoor application systems that emit elements to prevent mosquitoes from gathering around the home. Misting systems have been proven to be safe, practical, effective, and inexpensive, saving you time and money in the long-run.

Why A Misting System?

If you ever had any problems with mosquitoes, you may have used insect repellent spray. Since the rise of the Zika virus, people have spent about $62 million on insect repellent per year. The average price for bug spray has gone up as well: About $12.66, up 23 percent from previous years.

Bug spray have major disadvantages. They can cause asphyxiation and medical complications years later. Even if you buy a natural product, you risk the chance of being vulnerable to mosquito-borne diseases.

For a more thorough pest-control, you might consider extermination services. However, these can cost up to $350 to $1,900 per season, depending on property type and treatment frequency.

The factors that go into the price include gasoline and wear and tear on the car; equipment maintenance; the professional’s time and experience; the chemicals for the insecticide, and taxes. No wonder it’s so expensive!

Most damnably, extermination services don’t offer a permanent solution. Even if you decide to do the extermination yourself, it can still be costly and labor-intensive. Chemicals may get on your clothes and you may even track them into your house.

Misting systems, on the other hand, are a one-time installation. We offer a drum-based option, which is affordable and requires fewer refills. The insecticide only costs from $0.50 to $1 per ounce. You’d definitely end up saving money in the long run.

Unlike bug spray and extermination services, misting systems are a permanent solution. Moreover, they are highly effective. According to a research study conducted by entomologists at Florida A&M University, funded by the state of Florida, treated yards managed to reduce their mosquito populations by 71% up to 98% compared to untreated yards. Misting systems are definitely a worthwhile solution.

Prosper TX mosquito yard control

We’ll make your home feel like home again by making it mosquito-free.

How It Works

We go to your house and give a free yard evaluation. We’ll then provide you a quote, based on the designated perimeter, cost of labor, and parts needed. If you agree to our quote, we can then send our technicians to begin installing the nozzles and sprays around the designate area.

Installation usually takes from four hours to ten hours, depending on the size of the job. It may be that our technicians will need an extra day to finish. Once they do, we’ll tell you what we did, what we installed and why, and then teach you how to use your brand new misting system. It’s that easy!

For maintenance, we’ll schedule monthly or bi-monthly visits to your house, whichever is most convenient to you. We perform checks on the mist systems, usage levels, and the condition of each nozzle. We’ll make sure each component works efficiently and is in optimal condition. That way, your system will have a more extended usage capacity and keep your area mosquito-free for longer periods of time.

If any of your equipment becomes broken or damaged due to wear and tear, we can also help. We can fix or replace any part of the misting system.

The most common problem most customers encounter is clogged nozzles. Should these nozzles be broken, we can happily fix or replace them. We can also adjust the length of the mist as needed.

Prosper TX mosquito yard control

We can help you today.

The Prosper TX mosquito yard control service you can trust

Mosquitoes are not just summer nuisances. They can be deadly, transmitting pathogens and spreading illnesses. Bug spray and extermination services are expensive, ineffective solutions that can cost you a great deal of money in the long run.

That’s why you should contact Texan Mosquito Systems for your mosquito control needs. We guarantee that Texan Mosquito Systems is the Prosper TX mosquito yard control service you can count on.

Fun Facts About Prosper, TX:

  • Prosper has high summers and mild winters.
  • In December, the Prosper Christmas Festival is held and features Santa’s workshop, Kid’s Christmas Shoppe, and Community Stage Performances.
  • Prosper Independent School District is rated as one of the safest school districts in Texas.