Do you need a Plano TX mosquito system to help you keep the blood-thirsty mosquitoes away as soon as possible? Worry not since we, Texan Mosquito Systems, have you covered. We offer our services at affordable prices so give us a quick call at (214) 390-6131 to get your free yard evaluation; and quote from us as soon as possible!
Worry no more if you have a mosquito infestation in your home. We can help you get rid of north texas mosquitoes in your outdoor perimeters so that you can enjoy a mosquito-free home; as soon as possible.
If you are located near our office at 2695 Villa Creek Drive Suite, feel free to visit us in person; for high-quality customer service. Our location is open from seven in the morning to seven in the afternoon most days. On Sundays, we close at midday, and on Wednesdays, we close at five in the afternoon.
Thus, you are welcome to come to see us during regular business hours. We would love to help you find a cost-effective solution; to keep your home protected from the dangerous mosquitoes in Plano, TX. Do not hesitate to reach out to us when you require the best mosquito control money can buy.
Plano TX Mosquito System: Mosquito Species

Contact us if you need a Plano TX mosquito system
Where you aware that there are over 3,000 mosquito species on the planet. In addition, 85 plus of those mosquito species live in Texas, the lone star state. It is a common misconception that mosquitoes only come out to terrorize us in the summer.
Thus it is always mosquito season year-round. Please do not wait until you fall victim to one of the diseases mosquitoes can spread to you via bite; call us for mosquito pest control.
In actuality, different mosquitoes prefer different weather conditions to thrive. For example, most mosquito species in Texas prefer the wet, humid, hot tropical-like weather conditions that most parts of Texas experience year-round.
However, mosquito species prefer the cooler, less humid, and windy conditions of the winter. Thus, you are never safe from becoming the victim of a blood starving mosquito. Thus it is always mosquito season year-round. Please do not wait until you fall victim to one of the diseases mosquitoes can spread to you via bite; call us for mosquito pest control.
Fear not since we can install a Plano TX mosquito system in your home to protect you from all mosquito species year-round. Our misting system is effective a repelling and eliminating mosquitoes in your outdoor perimeters. Therefore you should call us as soon as you need to protect your home from the 85 species of mosquitoes that live in Texas.
Mosquito Breeding
Do you have empty containers in your yard that can hold water, such as; buckets, cups, bowls, planting pods, children’s toys, etc.? Well, were you aware that these empty containers can become the perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes?
After a rainy day, the containers in your yard will fill with water. Once the rain stops, the water becomes a standing pool of water. Mosquitoes love standing bodies of water because it is a safe place to reproduce and lay their eggs.
Did you know that mosquito eggs hatch into larvae, larvae turn into a pupa, and full-sized adults who are capable of breeding in a few hours; emerge within just a few days? Thus, your yard can become infested and overruled by mosquitoes in a matter of a couple of weeks!
You do not want your yard to become a sanctuary for mosquitoes, do you? Of course, you don’t! Thus, you should get help from us since we offer state-of-the-art affordable and reliable mosquito misting systems in your area. Do not let the mosquitoes take over your home; Texan Mosquito Systems has your back.
Mosquitoes Carry Dangerous Diseases

Standing water attracts mosquitoes
Where you aware that mosquitoes carry blood-borne diseases such as; viruses, parasites, and bacteria that can lead to life-threatening diseases?
In addition, mosquitoes spread infections and diseases; they have done so for millions of years. You put your life at risk if you do not protect yourself from mosquitoes. Do not catch any diseases from mosquitoes.
Zika Virus
The Zika virus is a virus that mosquitoes carry and spread from person to person via a bite. The virus has severe consequences on fetuses if their expecting mothers get infected.
These birth defects include; physical malformations, genetic mutations, and health issues that can affect the child’s quality of life as an adult. In addition, the Zika virus poses a threat to the elderly since their immune systems are not strong enough to combat the virus.
West Nile Virus
The West Nile virus is another dangerous virus that mosquitoes carry and spread to humans and animals alike. Did you know that mosquitoes get the virus when they feed on infected birds and then spread it via bite?
West Nile virus is a hazardous virus since it can lead to further complications and negatively change your life. The virus can cause irreversible central nervous system damage, and how you live your everyday life can change as well.
You do not want to catch the dangerous Zika and West Nile Virus since there are no cures, vaccines, nor treatments to help alleviate the virus. Thus your life could be jeopardized due to mosquitoes spreading infections and diseases to you via bites.
Plano TX Mosquito System
You need a mosquito misting system to protect you and your family from the dangerous mosquitoes lurking in the corner.
Worry not; we can provide you with an affordable and effective mosquito misting system as soon as possible. You should call us and get a free yard evaluation. If you agree to the quote, we will set up an appointment to set up a misting system in your yard. The job can take anywhere between four to ten hours, depending on the size of your property.
After our techs finish installing the system, they will give you a quick breakdown of what they have installed in your yard, in addition to showing you how your system works. We offer the best Plano TX mosquito system in your area.

Keep mosquitoes away with our help!
Plano TX Fun Facts:
- The city hosts a balloon festival yearly
- Money Magazine rate Plano TX as one of the best cities to live in
- Forbes rated Plano TX the safest city in America
- Learn more about Plano, TX!