Frisco TX mosquito treatment

Are you looking for Frisco TX mosquito treatment? Then go with Texan Mosquito Systems. We provide you with a permanent solution to your mosquito problems. Texan Mosquito Systems installs professional misting systems in your home or business. Nobody likes to go outside only to face mosquito bites. Your outdoor recreational area should be a place you relax in the evenings.

There are a lot of reasons to get a misting system for your home or place of business. Arguably the most significant reason is that mosquitos are effective pathogen carriers. Pathogens are any bacteria or viruses that cause harm to humans. Because of this, you should call us to see how we can protect your home.

Give us a call at (713)-344-1984. Our friendly staff is eager to help you. Furthermore, if you call today, we can give you a free quote.

Frisco TX mosquito treatment

Frisco TX mosquito treatment

The Dangers of Mosquitos

There are over 3,000 species of mosquitos in the world, 176 species in the United States, and 85 species in Texas. As a result, infestations are common in Texas. Additionally, these pests are the most dangerous animal on earth. They are effective at spreading diseases by passing a virus or bacteria from one person to another. There are even some species of mosquitos that affect animals, such as pets and livestock.

Mosquitos are capable of carrying and spreading the following diseases:

  • Zika Virus
  • West Nile Virus
  • East / West Equine Encephalitis
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Dengue
  • Malaria
  • HIV
  • And much, much more.

As you can see, there is a lot of danger when these bugs are around. It’s essential to have protection in your home from mosquito-borne diseases. Furthermore, it would be best if you protect your family and friends from being bit by a mosquito carrying any of these diseases.

Texan Mosquito Systems has the nozzles and sprays to keep them away for good. Our misting systems are the best around, and our competitive prices make it very easy to have Frisco TX mosquito treatment.

Frisco TX mosquito treatment

Texan Mosquito Systems gets rid of mosquitos once and for all.

A threat to Pets and Livestock

If you are a pet owner or work in agriculture, you need to consider Frisco TX mosquito treatment. Mosquitos don’t only affect humans, but animals too. Mosquitos can spread western and eastern equine encephalomyelitis to horses, which is harmful to their health. Cattle and goats are also affected by mosquito-borne diseases.

If they are bit by a mosquito with diseases, your cattle and goats could face weight loss and a decrease in milk production. Poultry can decrease egg production and even death when affected. Lastly, pets such as cats and dogs also face a threat from mosquitos. Most notably, they risk being bit by mosquitos that carry heartworm diseases. The last thing you want for your animals is to be in pain.

To protect your animals, you have to take all the steps to get rid of mosquitos. Texan Mosquito Systems can install low-cost misting systems in many homes of many sizes. Big or small, suburbs or rural, we are here to help you. Call us today to get a quote.

The Lifecycle of the Mosquito

To fully understand why mosquitos breed so quickly, we must understand their lifecycle first. The mosquito goes through four stages in their life. It starts with the egg stage, followed by the larvae and pupal stage, and finally, the adult stage. Mosquito season in Texas sometimes is as long as early March to October. However, mosquito eggs are resilient; they have the capability of lasting during the winter months only to hatch in the springtime.

The Egg Stage

The female mosquito lays her eggs in clusters or rafts of anywhere from 100 to 300. Mosquitos look for nurseries or small, stagnant bodies of water. Some of the most common places mosquitos lay their eggs are clogged gutters, old birdbaths, bowls that collect rainwater, and many other locations. If it holds water, then it can have mosquito eggs. Water is an essential component of their lifecycle. In a few days after she lays her eggs, larvae will hatch.

The Larval Stage

Larvae emerge from the eggs. They are relatively small and look like small aquatic worms. During this stage, the soon-to-be mosquito is quite active and feeds on organic matter and microorganisms that float around in its nursery. To breathe, the larvae float the surface of the water and have siphon tubes. These tubes allow it to hang upside down from the surface of the water. Larvae molt four times during this period and grow in size each time.

The Pupal Stage

After their fourth molt, the mosquito enters a stage where they aren’t as active and do not feed. The develop a cocoon-like appearance and undergo a metamorphosis. This process lasts approximately four days, and it is the last change the mosquito goes through before becoming an adult. Despite not being as active, the pupa is still able to interact with its environment with its small tail and reacts to stimuli such as light.

The Adult Stage

Once it finally emerges, the now-adult mosquito rests on the surface of the water. This is because its new body and wings are very fragile and must harden. After some time passes, it will fly off to eat and mate. Additionally, female mosquitos are the only ones who feed on the blood of animals and humans. On the other hand, males feed on the nectar of plants. Female mosquitos live longer than male mosquitos.

Frisco TX mosquito treatment

Mosquitos have a four stage lifecycle. Egg, larvae, pupa, and adult.

Frisco TX mosquito treatment

As you can see, mosquitos are a huge problem in Texas. Fortunately, Texan Mosquito Systems gives you the best mosquito protection for a price that fits your budget. Regain control over your yard and say goodbye to these annoying pests. Our misting systems are of high quality and do not take away from your home’s aesthetic decor. For the best Frisco TX mosquito treatment, call us today.

Fun Facts about Frisco, TX

  • The city gets its name from the St. Louis-San Francisco railroad that arrived here in 1902.
  • Frisco, Texas, has a lot of fun attractions such as the Pizza Hut Park, the Frisco Community Theater, and the Stonebriar Centre Mall.
  • This city is very wealthy and has grown by 470% since 2000. To learn more exciting facts about Frisco, Texas, click here.