The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control

If you require The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control, you need to reach out to Texan Mosquito Systems. We’re dedicated to providing the best mosquito misting systems available as our number one priority is the health and well-being of our customers. When you choose Texan Mosquito Systems, you can expect high-quality customer service and efficient installations, ensuring you and your loved ones enjoy a mosquito-free environment. Contact us today if you’d like more information about our misting system.

The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control

Keep your children protected from the dangerous viruses that mosquitos carry. Contact Texan Mosquito Systems today.

Mosquito control systems vs. natural repellents

There are many benefits to using natural solutions to repel mosquitos. No wonder they’re becoming more popular. However, whether or not these solutions are more effective than a misting system is not that hard to determine. That doesn’t mean you can’t rely on both of these solutions to ensure your home and garden are free from mosquitos. So which natural remedies are the most reliable?

Plants to repel and kill mosquito larvae

What a lot of people don’t know is that mosquitos don’t just take residency in your yard, but also inside your home. Many plants can repel mosquitos from doing this. Lavender, basil, and catnip are just some of the options available to you. However, in order for them to be effective, you need to strategically place them near open windows and doors to repel the mosquitos from venturing indoors.

To prevent mosquitos from getting indoors, you must first repel them from the outdoor area. Marigold is a great choice if you’re looking to kill mosquito larvae. By planting these in your garden, you’re not just making it a more beautiful environment; you’re also protecting your loved ones from the dangers of mosquitos.

How effective is bug spray?

Bug sprays, although the most common method to repel mosquito bites, is not a very effective method. While wearing these sprays can keep you protected, they wear off after 1 or 2 hours, which can be extremely inconvenient. As they spray on invisible, it can be hard to judge if you’ve sprayed enough or if you’ve covered all areas. With a misting system, your entire yard will be protected, meaning you will be too.

If you’re enjoying the afternoon surrounded by friends and family in your yard, the last thing you should be worried about is the mosquito population. Contact Texan Mosquito Systems today to learn about our misting system. With this system installed around your property, you can rest easy knowing you’re protected from the dangers of mosquitos.

The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control

There’s only so much protection that natural remedies offer. Invest in a misting system today to keep these pesky bugs away.

The dangers of Mosquitos

Bites aren’t the only thing you need to be concerned about regarding mosquitos. These insects are carriers for diseases such as the West Nile virus, Zika virus, and dengue virus. Although Zika is something you’re not likely to catch in America, the West Nile virus is responsible for serious, sometimes fatal illnesses, for every 1 in 150 people who contract it. The Dengue virus is only found in a specific species of mosquitos. 1 in 4 people who catch this virus become sick. The symptoms can range from headaches and rashes to serious joint pain and aches.

You shouldn’t have to worry about these dangers when enjoying family time in your backyard. Let Texan Mosquito Systems help protect your loved ones by setting up an appointment today. We’re the best choice when you need The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control.

Mosquito management around water

Water sources bring about a higher population of mosquitos. This is because mosquitos lay their eggs in still water. If you own a swimming pool, this is something you shouldn’t be concerned about as the water is treated with chemicals, deferring mosquitos from laying their eggs there. However, if you own a birdbath or a kiddie pool, then you risk being surrounded by more mosquitos than most. A natural remedy you can rely on to prevent this is tea tree oil. Pouring a few drops in still water has been proven to repel mosquitos. Another reliable method is marigold; as previously mentioned, it can kill mosquito larvae meaning it can prevent the growth of the mosquito population around your home.

If you live near a lake, pond, or river, you’re susceptible to mosquito attacks. Unfortunately, protecting yourself from this can’t be managed through tee tree oil due to the volume of the water source. If you live near a body of water, then contact Texan Mosquito Systems to ensure your protected.

The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control

There’s no better choice who you need The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control.

How Texan Mosquito Systems can help

Our high-quality misting system has been protecting households throughout Texas for years now. The best part is, our system can be customized to fit every household. No matter the size, or shape of your home, our system can be installed to fit your needs. With the help of our experts, we can determine the best placement for our nozzles and sprayers to ensure your home is protected to the best ability.

We are dedicated to ensuring the safety of you and your family. That is why you can always rely on us when you encounter a mosquito problem. If you have previously had our system installed and notice the reappearance of mosquitos, don’t wait to get in touch. One of our team members will gladly come out to service your system. Over time the head of the nozzle can become clogged, meaning the system is no longer as effective. However, with the check-ups we offer, you won’t have to wait long before your system is back to maximum efficiency.

Don’t wait any longer. Call us today and start enjoying a mosquito-free environment.

Choose us as your The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control service.

If you’d like the best service to keep your family protected from mosquitos, you need the help of Texan Mosquito Systems. If you’d like to schedule an appointment, you can call us at (713)-344-1984. Make sure you visit our website to learn about our locations and services. You’ll soon see why we’re the best choice when you require The Woodlands TX outdoor mosquito control.

Fun facts about The Woodlands

  • The Woodlands is referred to as ‘The Invisible City.’
  • Spring Creek offers activities such as canoeing.
  • There are five major hospitals in The Woodlands area.
  • For more fun facts, why not visit.