The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control

Were you looking for The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control? If mosquitos are bugging you, then we have the solution just for you. Texan Mosquito Systems is your friendly neighborhood mosquito protection. Quit looking because we’re just around the corner! Mosquitos suck, literally. They don’t just ruin outdoor fun, picnics, and barbecues. Because they’re effective pathogen carriers, they can also cause harm to you and your family. Besides that, they drain your wallet with ineffective mosquito repellents that don’t work. Bug spray just doesn’t cut it. Plus, it makes you smell bad.

Say goodbye to stinky evenings full of bites, call us today to get the best prices for The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control at (713)-344-1984.

Texan Mosquito Systems

Texan Mosquito Systems installs premium misting systems for homes and businesses. No matter how big or small, we believe that you deserve protection no matter what. We have a professional staff that works hard and fast to get you going and back in your yard relaxing.

The backyard should be your place to enjoy the evening. Not a breeding spot for mosquitos. With our misting system, you will be the envy of the neighborhood. For example, you can invite people to your home and host pleasant barbecues without worrying about your guests getting bitten. Your home will be an oasis of relaxation. Leave guests wondering how you do it to keep the mosquitos away. Is it the well-maintained yard? Nope. Is it the beautiful decor? Nope. It’s Texan Mosquito Systems.

The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control

The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control

Why Protection is Important

Because mosquitos carry harmful diseases, it’s essential to keep them away from your home. Mosquitos are easily responsible for affecting over one million people per year across the globe. The last thing you want is someone you know becoming a victim. Some of the diseases they carry are:

  • West Nile Virus
  • Zika Virus
  • Malaria
  • Hepatitis B
  • Hepatitis C
  • HIV
  • Yellow Fever
  • Dengue
  • And much, much more!

That’s quite a list, and the sad matter is, they carry a lot more. As a home or business owner, we keep you in mind first and foremost. There are over 3,000 species of mosquitos in the world, over 175 in the U.S., and over 80 just here in Texas.

Dengue and West Nile Virus

These diseases aren’t just to scare you. In 1999, there were 55 cases of Dengue in South Texas in which there was one death. Dengue causes high fever, rashes, and muscle and joint pain. Additionally, within the past ten years, there have been reports of Dengue in Florida and Hawaii.

West Nile Virus is another culprit. As recent as 2003, there have been reports of West Nile Virus in Texas, Mississippi, Alabama, and Arizona. Furthermore, this disease is very deadly and can pose a significant danger to those you care about. Don’t worry, with us, The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control has been made easy.

The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control

Mosquitos have spread Dengue and West Nile Virus in Texas.

Mosquito Lifecycle

Everything is bigger in Texas, and that includes the mosquitos. Mosquitos love to breed quick, fast, and in a hurry. In Texas, they are active from as early as March to as late as October. That’s almost an entire year! You shouldn’t have to live in fear of getting attacked during the most beautiful months here in Texas. The lifecycle of the mosquito, while short, goes through a series of changes. From egg to disease-carrying pest, the lifecycle is divided into four parts.


The female mosquito is always feeding and laying eggs. She puts them in clusters called rafts in small bodies of water found in the home. Gutters, puddles, in the vases of plants, and more. She’ll lay 100 to 200 eggs at any given time. Sometimes even up to 300. Eggs are tough. They can survive harsh winter months as dormant so that they can hatch in Spring.


After a few days the eggs hatch. Is it a boy? Is it a girl? Nope, it’s larvae. These small worm-like critters swim around feeding on microorganisms and organic matter. Larvae reach the surface of the water to breathe. Also, they have a siphon tube that lets them hang upside down from the water. Larvae molt four times, each time growing in size.


After they molt a fourth time, the larvae become a pupa. In this cocoon stage, they do not feed. They are changing into adult mosquitos. While they don’t move as much, they can still respond to light and external stimuli. They remain like this for about one to four days.

Adult Mosquito

Because it’s waiting for its body to harden, the mosquito lies on the water for a few days before eating and mating. It should be noted that only the female mosquito feeds on the blood of birds and mammals, and yes, humans. The male feeds mostly on the nectar of flowers and fruit.

With Texan Mosquito Systems, we stop mosquitos at any stage of development. Our The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control is the best around.

How to Prevent Breeding

The question is, how do you prevent these nuisances from being in your home? Luckily, the experts at Texan Mosquito Systems have a few tips to help you out. To stop breeding, do the following:

  • Maintain Your Yard – Mosquitos love to hang out in tall grass, messy brush, and in the weeds. If you keep your lawn or outdoor area clean, it gives mosquitos one less spot to hide.
  • Get Rid of Stagnant Water – Go around and try to get rid of any small bodies of water. Dump out old birdbath water, clogged gutters, avoid small puddles from collecting around your home as those are perfect nurseries for mosquitos.
  • Pick Up Trash – Picking up old tin cans and debris around your house will discourage breeding. Mosquitos crawl into the garbage and lay their eggs there all the time.
The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control

Maintaining is a good way to discourage breeding on your property.

Our Services

Wow, that’s a lot of work just to be able to enjoy your yard. But don’t worry, we got you covered. Texan Mosquito Systems offers the best mosquito protection to keep you outdoors and stress-free. Our misting system is discreet, effective, and is within your budget. Call us today to ask about our installation process and maintenance plan at (713)-344-1984. Looking for The Woodlands TX natural mosquito control has never been easier.

Fun Facts about The Woodlands, TX

  • The Woodlands is a master-planned community that opened in 1974.
  • There are approximately 90,000 residents who live in The Woodlands.
  • It was ranked as one of the safest places to live in Texas. To learn more, click here.