Are you searching “The Woodlands TX backyard mosquito control?” The Greater Houston Area is constantly plagued by the mosquito population. The close proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, the heat, and consistent rain make it an excellent climate for mosquitos. In fact, Terminix ranked Houston as the third most mosquito-infected city in the United States.

Avoid mosquito repellent and choose a misting system.
Mosquitos are deadly insects as they can spread serious diseases. There are a plethora of mosquito-borne diseases that affect millions every year. These diseases include West Nile Virus, malaria, yellow fever, and dengue. These diseases can cause serious illness or even death, which is why it is so important to avoid being bitten.
The best methods of preventing mosquito bites are to remove them from your backyard. Fortunately, there are many ways to achieve this goal. There are many methods you can implement without spending any money to reduce their presence. However, the most effective option is a misting system.
Misting systems target mosquitos during their most active times: dusk and dawn. Texan Mosquito Systems offers installation, maintenance, and repair options for homeowners. We teach you how to work your system and provide monthly maintenance services. We can also repair your mosquito misting system with ease.
The Problem with Mosquitos
As we have already mentioned, mosquitos could potentially carry deadly diseases. It is important to enjoy a mosquito-free backyard, so you do not have to worry about the dangers of mosquitos. The diseases mosquitos carry affect thousands of people every year. Those in Africa and South America are the most affected, but there are still reports of these diseases in the United States. Almost 700 million people are affected by mosquito-borne diseases every year. One million of those people die from said disease.
Mosquito-borne diseases include the following:
- Malaria
- Dengue
- West Nile Virus
- Zike Virus
- Yellow Fever
- Saint Louis Encephalitis
- Western Equine Encephalitis
- Ross River Fever
- And More!
As you can see, there are many different types of diseases you can obtain by a mosquito bite. The best way you can avoid this problem is by taking steps to prevent mosquitos from your backyard, in order to prevent the presence of mosquitos in your backyard then it best to know the life cycle of a mosquito.
The Life Cycle of a Mosquito
Mosquitos have four distinct phases of their life: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Three of these four stages require water, which is why it is such a vital component of a mosquito’s life. Understanding this cycle helps you eliminate their presence from your backyard.

Only female mosquitos feed on blood.
There are several different types of mosquito species, so they have different processes of laying their eggs. Many lay their eggs on the surface of the water like rafts. A female can lay up to 200 eggs at a time. Other species lay them individually and in soil that will be flooded with water later. Once the eggs are laid, they hatch within 48 hours.
A larva emerges from the egg and begins feeding. The goal of the larva is to grow large enough to become a pupa, the next stage of the mosquito. Larvae feed on microorganisms and organic matter within the water. While they do this, they must swim to the surface of the water for oxygen. Some species hang upside down from the surface and breath through a tube. Others will attach themselves to plants for oxygen supply. As they are feeding, the larvae molt. Molting is the process of shedding an outer layer of skin and making room for a new layer. By the fourth molt, the larva transitions into a pupa.
The pupal stage is a resting stage where no feeding occurs. Pupa can move during this stage. They often respond to light movement and swim to safety. This process is similar to what caterpillars go through when they create cocoons for their transition into a butterfly. Metamorphasis is the process of transformation from an immature shape to an adult.
Once the pupal stage is over, the asking will split, and an adult will emerge. The adult is unable to fly off right away. Instead, it drys its wings, and its body hardens. The adult will then fly off, but will not feed or mate for a few days. Adult males feed on flower nectar and mate for their entire life. On the other hand, females feed on blood and only mate once in their lifetime.
The total length of each of these stages varies on a variety of factors. Firstly, temperature plays an important role in their development. In fact, a ten-degree difference can add or subtract days to a single phase. Secondly, the species depends on the length of the cycle. Some have adapted to go through their entire life cycle in four days, while others take a month.
Eliminate Mosquitos From Your Yard
Eliminating mosquitos from your backyard can be done by taking a few simple steps. Now that you know the life cycle of mosquitos, you can effectively fight them. It is important to eliminate areas in which mosquitos may lay eggs. This includes water sources such as:

You should manage tall grass and weeds to avoid an abundance of mosquitos too.
- gutters
- buckets
- tires
- barrels
- playsets
- etc.
These things you can remove water, but what about sources of water you cannot remove (i.e., fountains, pools, birdbaths, etc.). Well, you can treat these areas with Mosquito Dunks. Mosquito Dunks are an effective and popular product that uses a bacteria toxic to mosquito larvae. Drop it into your pond, fountain, or birdbath to eliminate mosquito larvae. It is not harmful to other animals or vegetation.
The Woodlands TX Backyard Mosquito Control
The methods above are effective, but they cannot be the effectiveness of misting systems. Misting systems are effective when used at the right times of the day. If you are interested in what Texan Mosquito Systems can do for you, then give us a call. You can reach us at (713) 766-1090. Our team of technicians can install, maintain, and repair your misting system when you need it the most. So, stop searching “The Woodlands TX backyard mosquito control” and start calling.
Fun Facts about The Woodlands
- More than 12,000 acres of nature and wildlife are protected in the George Mitchell Nature Preserve. The George Mitchell Nature preserve almost 40 acres of hiking and biking trails!
- Have you been canoeing in Spring Creek?
- Catch a movie every second Saturday at Free Family Movie Night in Creekside Park!
- Find more facts about The Woodlands here.