The Most Essential Mosquito Company in McKinney, TX

Discover Texan Mosquito Systems as your essential McKinney TX mosquito company! 

Texan Mosquito Systems specializes in residential and commercial insect control using misting systems. For pest control companies, Texan Mosquito Systems is the best to help solve your mosquito problems.

Reach out to us today! If you have a home in need of mosquito control services, feel free to call us or drop by at any of our locations.

McKinney TX mosquito company

We can help you today.

Why Us?

The hot summer days are upon us once more. You know what this means: We will be seeing more and more mosquitoes and other insects congregating around homes and businesses.

Mosquitoes are a group of around 3,500 species of small insects that are flies. “Mosquito” is the Spanish word that means “little fly.” These pests lay eggs on the water’s surface, which hatch into motile larvae that feed on aquatic algae and organic material.

Once they mature, they pierce a host’s skin and feed on their blood. The mosquito’s saliva transfers to the host during the bite, which can cause a rash.

Mosquitoes pose a huge problem for people in terms of health. Mosquitoes become infected by feeding on infected birds. They then carry pathogens, spreading diseases and causing illnesses.

These pathogens can develop into diseases such as malaria, Zika, and other diseases. Diseases such as chikungunya can be transmitted, as well as the West Nile Virus, through their itchy bites. That is how these little creatures are responsible for transmitting more diseases than any other animal species.

Other pathogens that can be spread are bloodborne pathogens. Bloodborne pathogens are microorganisms in human blood that can cause disease in humans. On top of the diseases mosquitoes carry, these pathogens may also include hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.

Mosquitoes can also ruin landscape and residential designs, festering in undesirable places. Your friends and family’s health may suffer from health problems thanks to the presence of these pests.

If you are a business owner, potential clients can be put off by the presence of mosquitoes around your business. If some are forced to wait outside, mosquitoes can drive them away from your business, leading to fewer and fewer customers.

We at Texas Mosquito Systems can help solve your mosquito problem. Texas Mosquito Systems provides misting systems, installation, maintenance, and repair. Our misting systems are of the highest quality and will get rid of your pesky mosquito population in no time.

Texas Mosquito Systems can get rid of mosquitoes quickly and efficiently. It is the McKinney TX mosquito company you need to optimize your home for health and clear the air of dangerous pathogens.

McKinney TX mosquito company

We’ll keep the mosquitoes away! Trust us as your McKinney TX mosquito company!

Our Services

Texas Mosquito Systems provides installation, maintenance, and repair services for our mosquito misting systems. We at Texas Mosquito Systems understand that every home and business is different. No matter the structure of your home or business, we can customize your new mosquito misting system around your design.


Texas Mosquito Systems can install a misting system, which is an outdoor application system. This emits elements to prevent mosquitoes from gathering around your home or business. Once you install the system, you can experience the fresh air and scenery without the unpleasant presence of mosquitoes.

First, we’ll give a free yard evaluation and you can tell us the best time to stop by your property. Once we do, we’ll provide a quote based on the designated perimeter, cost of labor, and parts needed. If you accept the quote, we can set a time and date for our technicians to come and install nozzles and sprays.

We’ll also install a tank or tankless system around your property based on accessibility and safety guidelines. This can take from four to ten hours depending on the size of the job.

Afterwards, we will explain what we did, what we installed, and tell you how to use your tank or remote-controlled tankless system. To perform maintenance and refills on your system, we will schedule monthly visits.


We all know that things can break down or cease to function properly. You need to filter your nozzle to prevent it from being clogged. Otherwise, bacteria can compromise the insecticide and clog the filter. With a clogged filter, nothing can get through, making the mix concentration difficult to come out through the spray and nozzle.

To keep the nozzle clean, you can soak the clogged misting nozzle or nozzles in white vinegar or CLR for an hour or more. Then, thoroughly rinse the nozzle and mount the misting nozzles back into your system. If need be, the length of the mist can be adjusted as well.

Texan Mosquito Systems can help you maintain your system and make sure each component works efficiently and is in optimal condition. This will ensure that your misting system will have a more extended usage capacity.


If your misting system is broken down and in need of repair, we can help. Contact our team of technicians, who can set up a good time for you.

Your system can experience damage, wear and tear, and other issues. A clogged nozzle can prevent one area from coverage. Bacteria can build up in the drum and other parts of the system. Simply scheduling a regular system check will greatly help in catching these problems.

New Construction

Texan Mosquito Systems also gives you the option of building your home with mosquito-proof features. If you are building a new home, why not build it as a mosquito-free residence?

The benefits to the overall health of your family would be huge. A built-in misting system would insure your outdoor living area is free from infection. Texan Mosquito Systems can work on further safeguarding your home from mosquito infestation. This will help prevent the the health hazards mosquitoes can cause.

McKinney TX mosquito company

Mosquitos carry infectious diseases like malaria and West Nile!

Call Texan Mosquito Systems, your best McKinney TX mosquito company!

Mosquitoes can transfer pathogens, spreading illness and disease. You can compromise your health and that of your loved ones and employees if you allow a mosquito infestation to spread.

Protect your residential homes and business by hiring Texan Mosquito Systems, who will install, maintain, and repair a misting system that will solve your problem for good. You can count on Texan Mosquito System as the best McKinney TX mosquito company for all your mosquito-proofing needs.

Fun Facts About McKinney, TX:

  • The city was named after popular singer, Collin McKinney!
  • The McKinney Courier-Gazette is the most popular and widely circulated newspaper.
  • McKinney is located about 37 miles north of Dallas.