Sugar Land TX Mosquito Misting System

Are you searching the “Sugar Land TX mosquito misting system?” Texan Mosquito Systems offers an effective misting system for homeowners in the Greater Houston Area. Terminix ranked Houston as the third most mosquito-infected city in the United States. Houston’s proximity to the gulf coast and the climate makes it a perfect for mosquitos.

Sugar Land TX Mosquito Misting System

You should enjoy your backyard without the threat of mosquitos.

With that said, it is important residents have an effective way of beating these pesky insects. Our technicians can install a system within a day and provide monthly maintenance on your tanks. Once we install your misting system, our team provides you with the knowledge to operate it. We want you to be comfortable with your new system, which is why we educate you.

The best methods of misting your yard are to do it at dusk and dawn. At these times, mosquitos are the most active. Misting during this time will eliminate them from the area and prevent harm to other insects like bees or butterflies.

There are also steps you can take to reduce the presence of mosquitos in your backyard. In order to perform these actions, you must know the dangers and the life cycle of mosquitos. These insects are one of the deadliest on the globe. Ensure you are educated on this blood-sucking insect.

Mosquito-Borne Diseases

There are several types of mosquito-borne diseases. Every year, approximately 700 million people are affected by mosquito-borne diseases. Of those people, one million dies. These diseases are more common in South American and Africa, but they still occur in the U.S. Mosquitos also carry diseases for our dogs and cats. Mosquitos can carry heartworms, which are deadly for our pets. Below, you can find a small list of mosquito-borne disease:

  • West Nile Virus
  • Malaria
  • Dengue
  • Heartworms
  • Yellow Fever
  • Chikungunya
  • St. Louis Encephalitis
  • And More!

Each of these diseases ranges in severity, but many can lead to extreme illness or even death. Even though they appear in other continents more, the United States reports thousands each year. Fortunately, there are actions you can take to limit the presence of mosquitos in your home. Mosquito control is not hard, but the actions you can take at home are not a permanent solution.

The Life Cycle of a Mosquito

Sugar Land TX Mosquito Misting System

Female mosquitos are the only ones to feed on blood.

Before you can take action against these blood-sucking insects, you need to know their life cycle. There are four distinct phases of a mosquito’s life: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Three of the four phases take place in water, which makes it vital to their reproduction cycle.

The total length of the life cycle varies on a few different factors. Firstly, temperature plays a large role in the process. A simple ten-degree difference can add or subtract days to the cycle. Secondly, the species determines the length of the life cycle. There are several different types of mosquitos, and some have adapted to complete their cycle in four days while others take a month.


The first phase of the mosquito is the egg. A female mosquito only mates once in her life. She stores sperm in her body to fertilize all of her future eggs. Depending on the species, a female may lay her eggs on top of the water or in damp soil that will be flooded later. Mosquitos can lay up to 200 eggs at a time. They may lay them all at once, like rafts on the water or individually in the soil. Regardless, they usually hatch within 48 hours.


The larva stage is dedicated to feeding. Larvae feed on the microorganisms and organic material within the water. This phase requires oxygen, so some species must swim to the top for oxygen. Others are able to sit upside down with a tube leading to the surface. Some species can even attach themselves to plants for their oxygen source. As larvae feed, they molt over time. Molting is the process of shedding an outer layer to make room for a new layer. This process also increases its size. By the fourth molt, the larvae transition into pupae.


This stage is the resting phase for the insect. There is no feeding during this stage, but that doesn’t mean the pupa is immobile. They can still continue to swim around. Often times, they respond to light changes and move to the bottom of their water sources for safety. This process is very similar to what caterpillars go through when they enter their cocoon. Metamorphasis is the process of an immature stage transitioning into an adult stage. Once the development is complete, the skin splits, and the adult appears.


The adult will sit on top of the pupa to rest. It will wait for its wings to dry and its body to harden. Feeding and mating do not occur for another few days. When it is time, males will mate their entire life and feed on flower nectar. On the other hand, females mate once and feed on blood.

buckets of water

Remove buckets of water and other unnecessary sources of water in your backyard.

Preventative Measures

As you can see, water is vital to the development of a mosquito. So, you should get rid of any unnecessary standing water in your backyard. Items such as buckets or tires can often carry water that is perfect for mosquito reproduction.

If you own a pool, pond, or birdbath, then treat these bodies of water with Mosquito Dunks. Dunks are made up of bacteria toxic to only mosquitos. The bacteria kill them at the larva stage when feeding is a priority. This bacteria is not harmful to other animals like fish and birds.

Sugar Land TX Mosquito Misting System

As you can see, there are preventative measures you can take, but they are not permanent solutions. A misting system is the best long-term solution for handling pesky mosquitos. You can easily obtain a system today if you call us at (713) 766-1090. Our technicians will provide you with the knowledge to run your system with easy. We provide installation, maintenance, and repair services. So, you should contact our team today. Now you can stop searching the “Sugar Land TX mosquito misting system” and start calling!

Fun Facts about Sugar Land

  • Sugar Land in 2013 now boasts a population of 84,511.
  • Sugar Land was the first community in the entire country to be named a Community of Respect (2007), and this is the 6th year (2012) that we have received that distinction.
  • Sugar Land was a company town for over 50 years before it incorporated in 1959 with a population of 2,259.
  • Find more facts about Sugar Land here.