Plano TX mosquito prevention

Spring will be here sooner than you think, so it’s time to equip your home with Plano TX, mosquito prevention! Contact Texan Mosquito Systems right away! Mosquitos are an ever-present pest that will continue to bother you until you fix the problem. Head-on solutions are all we provide here at Texan Mosquito Systems. We’re sure that countless commercials have tried to convince you that their mosquito spray is the best option to keep you and your family safe.

While we recommend using spray-on protection for an added barrier, companies like OFF just won’t do the job right. Soaking yourself in a pungent-smelling spray or wearing a bright orange wristband won’t prevent mosquitos from terrorizing your home or family. The only way to fully protect your family is by contacting us and getting your own mosquito installation service installed.

Plano TX mosquito prevention

Our misting systems help keep mosquitoes and their diseases away!

Our competitors tend to take your money without delivering the results they promised. However, this will never be the case with us. Our methods have been scientifically tried and tested to deliver optimal results. Overall, with our system in place, mosquitos can soon become an issue of the past for you.

Consequently, you’ll be much happier hosting outdoor gatherings and events once you have our mosquito misting system in place. Whether you need protection in your front or backyard, maybe even both, we offer you the protection you deserve. We don’t just install the best mosquito systems; we also educate you about the potential dangers mosquitos bring to you and your family. Furthermore, once your system is installed, we inform you how to properly maintain your system for optimal longevity.

More than just an annoying insect

Mosquitoes are quite often identified as a small but annoying pest. Rarely do we ever spend our time overthinking that itchy mosquito bite? Besides a constant urge to scratch that bright red bump on your leg every so often, to the naked eye, there isn’t much more to a mosquito. That is where you’re wrong.

Mosquitos can actually be one of the most deadly insects that plague us daily. Mosquitos carry harmful diseases and viruses like the Zika and West Nile virus. These viruses are known as silent killers because most patients don’t exhibit symptoms until it’s too late.

West Nile has been identified in 48 of the 50 states. If you are someone who works outside on a daily basis, whether, at home or work, you’re much more prone to getting infected.

Here at Texan Mosquito systems, Plano TX mosquito prevention is our number one goal. We genuinely care about the health and safety of our customers.

Our company was founded upon the ideals that our customers come first in everything we do. As a result, we only provide the absolute best customer service in town. Moreover, we are fierce educators who strive to educate our customers on the dangers of these nagging pests and offer permanent solutions that work.

How do mosquitos get the virus?

Plano TX mosquito prevention

Protect your family with our help! What’s important to you is important to us too!

Now that you’ve learned the potential danger mosquitos harness, you may be wondering how they end up with the virus in the first place. It’s actually quite simple. As we know, mosquitos feed on the blood of various humans and animals. They aren’t picky about the blood they choose either; all is the same to them.

Both human and animal blood have the potential to carry many different diseases and viruses within them. This is why medical professionals always wear gloves when dealing with blood.

As a result, mosquitoes often consume blood from dead birds that carry the West Nile virus in their bloodstream. 1 out of every 150 people is infected with a fatal version of West Nile there is. Subsequently, most patients are asymptomatic and often do not receive the help they need until it is too late.

So, now you can see why keeping mosquitoes out of your yard is less about freeing you from annoyance and more about keeping you safe. It is imperative that you keep yourself and your family out of harm’s way. We care about your health and safety, so why not choose us to install a system that shows it.

Each of our employees has accumulated years of experience in this field. As a result, they are the most educated and experienced professionals to complete the job. We’ve been around for years, so it only makes sense that we’re the most educated when it comes to handling mosquitos.

If you’re ready to keep your family safe, or have any questions about mosquitos, reach out to us at (713) 344-1984. There will always be an agent on the other end, ready to help you.

Plano TX mosquito prevention

Our system installation is a big deal. We work hard to ensure that upon installation, your machine works optimally all the time. Therefore, we install your system in a series of steps that help us prevent any issues down the line.

The first step in installation is always a free consultation. At the consultation, we evaluate your yard in order to find the best stop to place your misting system. Overall, most homeowners want to keep the general aesthetic of their home intact. So, we work hard to find the best place for our system so that your home stays looking cozy.

After we measure your yard and get the dimensions, we’ll provide you with a quoted estimate for our services’ cost. Also important to note is that we follow all city and local regulations when we install your system. This keeps both of us out of trouble.

Upon receiving your quote, it’s up to you to decide if you would like to proceed with installation or not. If the price fits your budget, we will be all set to continue.

Next, we schedule your installation appointment. We have open hours that have been made to meet your needs. You’re able to choose any time between 7 AM-7 PM for us to come out and install your system. Moreover, during your consultation, we discuss with you how long installation takes.

The installation process depends on numerous factors. But, during the initial consultation, we will let you know how long the installation takes. You can estimate that it will be anywhere from 4-10 hours.

Finally, we’ll arrive and place the nozzles and system in your yard. Our technicians will then go over the process with you and teach you how to use your new system. If at any time you have questions, now is the time to ask.

We’ll schedule monthly appointments, so we’re able to come out and refill your system. Also, we’ll perform routine maintenance checks. Now you’re on your way to a mosquito-free home!

Let us help!

Plano TX mosquito prevention

Plano TX mosquito prevention

If you want mosquitos to become a thing of the past for you and your family, then choose Texan Mosquito Systems. Don’t let mosquitos ruin your events; these are moments you’ll want to remember.

Give us a call at (713) 344-1984 to schedule your free consultation! Our Plano TX mosquito prevention is the best around, and your family deserves to be protected.

Plano TX Fun Facts:

  • Plano TX is one of the most diverse cities in Texas; more than 90 languages are spoken here!
  • We’re quite a big city too, with over 4000 acres of land to explore.
  • If you’re into big corporations and headquarters, we can provide that for you as well. We’re home to over 20 of them.
  • We ranked #5 for the Best Performing city in 2020 buy the Milken Institute
  • For more facts or information on Plano, Texas, please visit our website.