Mckinney TX mosquito misting system

Mckinney TX mosquito misting system is the absolute best mosquito killing system in the Fort Worth area. Mosquitoes are a problem that won’t ever go away unless you deal with them head-on. Countless commercials have told you to soak yourself with OFF mosquito spray or wear those fancy wristband that supposedly keeps mosquitoes away.

But all they do is steal your money without delivering the results you’ve paid for. I believe you’d be much happier at your backyard family barbeque if you had a Texas mosquito control system installed in your front or backyard, maybe even both.

Not only do we install the best mosquito system possible for your home, but we educate you on how to properly maintain your newly installed system or keep up with your already-in-place system.

Mckinney Texas mosquito control services

Don’t let mosquitos ruin your summer plans. Let Texan Mosquito Systems help protect your family.

Why mosquitos are more than just an annoying insect

Most people identify mosquitos as annoying and rarely overthink about a mosquito bite. Besides an irritating urge to scratch your skin every five minutes, to the naked eye, there isn’t much more than mosquitos give to us. But that’s where we’re wrong.

Mosquitos carry deadly viruses and diseases. The two most common are the Zika virus and West Nile virus. The main issue with these two viruses is that many people don’t have any symptoms, so they don’t know they’ve been infected. The West Nile virus has been detected in 48 states, and if you work outside, you’re more likely to get infected.

Here at Mckinney TX mosquito systems, we care about your health and safety. Our company was built around the notion that our customers are important and come first in everything we do.

How do mosquitos get the virus?

You may be wondering how mosquitoes get the virus in the first place. Well, mosquitos feed on the blood of a lot of animals and humans. Our blood carries numerous diseases and infections, that’s why when we deal with blood, you wear gloves. Mosquitos get the West Nile virus from feeding on dead birds that have the virus.

1 out of every 150 people will be infected with a fatal version of the West Nile virus. Again, because most people who contract the virus are asymptomatic,  they often don’t get help until its too late.

So, you can see why keeping mosquitos out of your yard is imperative for you and your family’s health and safety.

Our employees and customer service reps have years of experience in this field. We’re not a new company, we’ve been around for quite a while, so it makes sense we know so much about mosquitos.

If you have any questions regarding mosquitos and the danger they pose to your family, call us now to get connected with a customer service rep who can help you out.

Mckinney TX mosquito misting system Installation

McKinney TX backyard mosquito control

Don’t let Mosquitos stop you from creating lasting family memories. Contact Mckinney Tx mosquito system today!

Furthermore, to ensure that your mosquito misting system is working at its prime, we install it in a series of steps. The first step in any installation is free of cost to your consultation.

During the consultation, we evaluate your yard, utilizing it to find the best placement for the misting system nozzles. Aesthetics are one of the critical reasons homeowners choose their home. So we know that maintaining your home’s beautiful look is essential.

At the consultation, we will measure your yard and inspect the dimensions. This also aids us in determining if your home needs a take or tankless system.

Also important to note, we always follow state and city regulations and guidelines when installing our system. This ensures that both of us don’t end up in a bind.

We will provide you with a quoted estimate of the cost for the system, and it is for you to decide whether or not you would like to proceed. If the price fits your budget, we can go ahead and continue.

Next, following the consultation, you will schedule an installation appointment. We have very open hours, which allows you to choose any time between 7 AM-7 PM to have your system installed.

Moreover, during the consultation, we will discuss with you exactly how long the installation will take. Usually, it takes anywhere from 4-10 hours. But this depends on factors such as the size of your yard and the type of system we install.

Upon arrival at your home, our team will begin to place the nozzles in your yard and install the tank or tankless system as well. When the job is complete, our technicians explain to you the process that they completed. You are always free to ask questions at any point. Our technicians also show you how to operate your new misting system.

Lastly, our technicians schedule future monthly appointments to come out and refill or check your system for bugs or errors. Finally, our technicians ask you if you have any last-minute questions. If not, you’re on your way to a mosquito-free home!

Construction and repairs in Mckinney TX

Texan mosquito systems also do repairs and construction. If you have a pre-existing mosquito system and arent ready to switch, we are able to fix any issues as well. Most system issues are as simple as clogged nozzles. Because we want your home to stay mosquito-free, we provide diagnostic checks at your home.

We work until the results are visible. Happy customers make for happy workers. Customer service is extremely important to us, and wants all of our clients to be worry-free.

Taking the necessary steps to ensure that your home is pathogen-free is crucial to your health. So having a faulty system isn’t ideal, and we take these issues seriously. If you are having problems with your system, get in touch with one of our technicians as soon as you’re available so that we can fix your issue.

Your needs are a priority, and Texan Mosquito never is afraid to contact us with issues or questions.

Finally, If you have questions regarding midst spray length or how to operate any of the manual operations yourself, give us a call at (713) 344-1984.

We pride ourselves on being friendly and helpful. Our team of techs is ready for you to reach out!

Houston Texas mosquito and tick control

Call us today to get a free estimate!

Don’t let mosquitos ruin your outside family events; those are important moments you should remember. Reach out to Mckinney TX mosquito misting system today!

Fun Facts about Mckinney TX

  • Our name comes from Collin Mckinney, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
  • Dallas is about 30 minutes away from us.
  • We were ranked #1 best place to live by Money Magazine in 2014.
  • Mckinney is home to many significant historical landmarks such as McKinney Performing Arts Center and Collin County Historical Society and Museum.
  • For more fun facts about Mckinney Tx, please visit our website!