Houston TX Backyard Mosquito Control Systems

Are you looking for the best in Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems? Houston, we have a problem. Mosquitos are running rampage all over Houston. Ruining picnics, outdoor strolls, and worst of all, they’re spreading disease. Luckily, Texan Mosquito Systems has the solution. Don’t waste your money on bug spray that doesn’t work. Mosquitos are not only a nuisance, but they are also effective pathogen carriers. Pathogens are viruses, bacteria, and other microorganisms that can cause harm to your health. When you install one of our misting systems, you’re guaranteed that your home or business will be mosquito-free and stay that way for good. Call us at (713)-344-1984.

The Lifecycle of the Mosquito

Mosquitos are active from March to October and only live for a few weeks. But during that time they reproduce very quickly. Their lifecycle comes in four stages-the the egg, larvae, pupa, and adult.

  1. Egg – Female Mosquitos will lay their eggs in bodies of still water or directly on the soil. The females will lay them in clusters of 100, 200, or even up to 300. Rainfall, water, or excess humidity will encourage early hatching. A group of mosquito eggs is called a raft.
  2. Larvae – After a few days, possibly up to a week, the larvae emerge from the eggs. Larvae are incredibly active and must feed quite often. They feed on microorganisms and organic matter that is floating around their nursery. They molt during this stage, growing each time. During the fourth molt, they become a pupa. Larvae float to the surface to breathe.

    Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems

    Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems

  3. Pupa – Thirdly, they begin a metamorphosis. Sometimes called tumblers, the pupa has a cocoon-like appearance. They do not feed in this stage but can still move around and react to their environment. After four days as a pupa, an adult is ready to emerge.
  4. Adult Mosquito – An adult emerges out of the pupa and rests on the surface of the water for some time. This is to allow its body and wings to harden. Afterward, the mosquito will leave ready to feed and mate.

It should be noted that only female mosquitos attack people and animals. The male, on the other hand, feeds mostly on the nectar of flowers and plants. Texan Mosquito Systems has the perfect misting system to eliminate mosquito at any stage of development. We’re experts in Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems.

How to Prevent Mosquitos From Breeding

Water is essential for the mosquito lifecycle. To reduce the amount of breeding in your home, here are some tips. Walk around your home and make sure there is no stagnant water around your property. Common areas for mosquitos to lay their eggs in are:

  • Old abandoned tires
  • Tin Cans
  • Clogged Gutters
  • Pet Bowls
  • Old Tarps
  • Kiddie Pools
Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems

A tidy yard will discourage breeding in your home.

Additionally, pay attention to water features on your property. Artificial ponds, swimming pools, and hot tubs are perfect nurseries for mosquitos, so it’s essential to maintain them. Two other ways to discourage breeding is by picking up litter. Mosquitos love getting into garbage and find little nooks to lay their eggs in. Secondly, tidy up your yard! Mosquitos hide in tall grass, brush, and in weeds. If you keep your yard cleaned, then mosquitos will not be inclined to stick around.

New Construction

Whether you’re building a home or constructing a business, mosquitos love newcomers to the neighborhood. They’ll be ready to make themselves at home, but with our misting system, they don’t have to. We work hand in hand with your builder to install our sprays and nozzles before you move in. Our technicians are committed to professionalism. Installing a misting system during construction makes it easier to enjoy the outdoors as soon as possible. Getting Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems has never been easier.

We make sure that the aesthetic decor of your home or business remains the same. Our technicians install our nozzles and sprays, so they don’t distract from your beautiful home. Don’t let mosquitos swarm your home before you move in, call us today to get a free quote so you can get started with your dream home or business.


As mentioned, mosquitos are excellent hosts for carrying diseases straight to your home. Mosquitos are responsible for affecting over a million people per year all over the world. Mosquitos are no joke, and we take the health of your family and loved ones very seriously. Texas has over 80 species of mosquitos, and they can all potentially carry diseases. They carry the following:

Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems

We install our misting services during construction so you can have a mosquito-free home.

  • Zika Virus
  • West Nile Virus
  • Dengue
  • Malaria
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • HIV
  • And much, much more!

As you can see, the list goes on and on. The last thing you need is to be worried about getting a disease from these pests when you step out into your yard. Texan Mosquito Systems has the best protection in Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems. When you’ve already taken steps to discourage breeding, and the mosquitos still keep biting, make sure to give us a call, and we’ll take care of them for you. For good.

Dengue and West Nile Virus

As if it wasn’t bad enough that mosquitos could potentially carry many diseases, Dengue and West Nile Virus have been recorded in Texas for many years. Texas had fifty cases of West Nile Virus in 1999 and one death, and to this day, there are record numbers every year. Alongside West Nile Virus, Dengue gets reported every year in Texas and can be found in nearby states such as Arizona, Alabama, Mississippi, and others. Protect your family with our systems.

Benefits of a Misting System

There are many reasons for installing our misting system into your home. To enjoy the outdoors again, so you can relax in the evenings, but most importantly, to protect your family. Our installation, maintenance plan, and repair services can’t be beaten. With Texan Mosquito Systems, you’ll finally be able to say bye to those mosquitos and say hello to the relaxing evenings with the family. Call us today to get the best in Houston TX backyard mosquito control systems.

Fun Facts about Houston, TX

  • Home to 19 museums, learning about culture, art, history, and science is enjoyable and easy.
  • With over 10,000 restaurants, it’s never hard finding a good meal here.
  • “Houston” was the first word spoken on the moon.