Houston TX Automatic Mosquito Misting System

Are you searching for Houston, TX automatic mosquito misting system? Look no further; Texan Mosquito Systems takes pride in providing our customers with the best pest control. No one

McKinney TX backyard mosquito control

Mosquitos aren’t just an annoyance; they’re also dangerous. The diseases they carry can be extremely harmful. Let Texan Mosquito Systems help protect your family.

wants to swat mosquitoes every time they are outside. This type of discomfort is not conducive to home life or work life. Therefore, Texan Mosquito has several services to offer clients to help prevent the harm of mosquitoes. Not only do we install misting systems, but we also help customers to maintain the upkeep of the system over time.

Mosquitoes can be harmful as they can carry extremely dangerous pathogens. They also cause significant discomfort and produce bumps and scars on your skin. Let Texan Mosquito put an end to your pesky problems today.

How does the Mosquito Circulatory System Work?

Mosquito’s heart and circulatory system are considerably different from that of mammals and humans. A long tube expands from its head to tail and is hung just under the cuticle shell that transforms the mosquito’s back. The heart is what makes up the rear, and two-thirds of the tube involves a series of valves. These funnels are within the tube and helical coils of muscle that surround the tube. These particular muscles cause the tube to expand and contract, which produces a worm-like peristaltic pumping action.

Typically, the heart pumps the mosquito’s blood, which is a clear liquid known as hemolymph. This particular liquid is transferred to the mosquito’s head but can reverse direction occasionally. Mosquitoes do not have arteries and veins like mammals. However, the blood flows from the heart into the abdominal cavity and eventually cycle back through the heart.

The mosquito’s body is horizontally parallel with the head to the left. Alary muscles which are perpendicular to the heart hold up this organ against the mosquito’s back. Additionally, the mosquito’s body consists of a series of segments. Therefore the broad strips of muscles that run parallel to the heart are intersegmental muscles that hold components together. Furthermore, the vertical muscles wrap around the mosquito’s body and are called intrasegmental muscles.

Things You Probably Did Not Know About Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are probably one of the most dangerous and hated insects in the world. Many mosquitoes carry many deadly diseases, not limited to malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, Zika, West Nile Virus, and encephalitis. Mosquitoes can also carry harmful pathogens for your pet, such as heartworm.

Typically a mosquito’s life span can last anywhere from 5-6 months. Many probably don’t even make it that long. However, in the right circumstances, an adult mosquito has quite a long life expectancy compared to other insects.

Houston, TX automatic mosquito misting system

Houston, TX automatic mosquito misting system

Mosquitoes V. Humans

Females are typically the ones to make contact with humans. In reality, the male mosquitoes only feed on nectar, and the female does as well when she is not reproducing. The only way the females can produce her eggs is with the help of human blood.

However, you may find it interesting that not all species of the mosquito feed on people. In reality, many species specialize on other animals and are no bother to us at all. The Culiseta melanura, for example, only preys on birds and will rarely bite humans. Another species known as the Uranotaenia sapphirina only feeds on reptiles and amphibians.

Mosquito’s Flying Speed and Wing Manipulation

The average flight speed for a mosquito is about 1 to 1.5 miles per hour. In contrast to many other types of insects such as butterflies, honeybees, locusts, and more, fly much faster than your average mosquito. This explains the irritating buzzing sound that emanates from them.

Additionally, scientists have discovered that male mosquitoes can hear the wingbeats of their potential mates. However, recent data has shown that the females of the Aedes aegypti can likewise listen for lovers. When the male and female finally meet, their buzzing synchronizes to the same speed.

Mosquito Breeding

All species of the mosquito need a few inches of water to breed. Typically the female will deposit her eggs in this water where tiny larvae will develop quickly. This can occur in birdbaths, roof gutters, and even old tires left in an empty lot. Some species can even breed in puddles left after rain.

A great way to avoid this around your home or business is to get rid of any standing water every few days. Additionally, mosquitoes only travel 2-3 miles, so they’re practically your neighbors! Some species, like the Asian tiger mosquito, can only fly about 100 yards.

Mosquito Detection

Carbon dioxide, a gas produced by humans and other animals, is the key indicator to mosquitoes that a potential meal is near. As they mature, they develop a keen sensitivity to CO2. Once the female is aware of the

Houston Texas mosquito and tick control

Mosquitos go through four stages in their lifecycle.

element in the area, it will fly back and forth until it finds it’s victim.

Many people may think that tools such as bug zappers can deter or eliminate mosquitoes. This is not the case; bug zappers only give off light that attracts gnats, beetles, moths, and other insects of the sort. They are also helpful for eliminating parasitic wasps, which usually control other species.

Fogger machines that give off CO2 can attract mosquitoes and then trap them. Also, repellants for your yard, such as “misting systems,” or insect repellants for yourself, are very resourceful.

The Neverending Species

In reality, these pesky bugs are tough to wipe out because of the range of species exist. Unfortunately, there are more than 3,000 species of mosquitoes, but luckily only about 200 bite humans. Additionally, mosquitoes serve as food for other species such as birds, frogs, and even fish. They also serve the ecosystem as pollinators. However, if you want to get rid of mosquitoes in your yard then talk with us about Houston, TX automatic mosquito misting system.

The Best Houston, TX automatic mosquito misting system

Although insects are fascinating, they are still pests that need to be dealt with. Do not let these creatures take over your yard or business. Here at Texan Mosquito Systems, we offer a range of services offered to residential or commercial clients. If you have any questions or want to learn how you can start benefitting from our services today, give us a call at (713) 344-1984. Allow us to install your Houston, TX automatic mosquito misting system.

Houston, TX Fun Facts

  1. Houston is named after Sam Houston, the military commander-turned-politician who led the battle for Texas’s independence from Mexico.
  2. Despite rough waters early on, today, Houston is one of the busiest port cities in the nation.
  3. From 1837 to 1839, Houston was the capital of Texas.
  4. For more fun facts on Houston, TX, search here.