Texan Mosquito System is smart when it comes to using smart technology to get rid of mosquitos safely and effectively! We use only the most advanced technology to ensure your yard or area is mosquito-free. We understand the dangers mosquitos pose and so provide high-quality, environmentally-friendly solutions that you can rely on.

Learn more when you contact Texan Mosquito Systems today.
Texan Mosquito Systems installs, repairs, and maintains our mosquito misting systems. This system is a series of tanks, hoses, sprayers, and nozzles that emit a gentle mist of elements that ward off mosquitos. This mixture does not contain harsh chemicals and is not harmful to humans, animals, and plant life.
After installing your mosquito system, we can then repair any malfunctioning part of the system and ensure your drum and tanks are full. If your filter is clogged or broken, we can unclog it or simply replace it with a functioning one. Our mosquito system repair and maintenance services are considerable, so don’t hesitate to call us today or learn more via our FAQ page.
Introducing the Ultra-Convenience of iMist 3
Of course, our mosquito misting system is compatible with iMist monitoring. With the iMist app, you can rid your backyard of mosquitos with a push of a button. iMist 3 connects directly to the misting system, so there’s no need even to leave the house; you can mist your yard anywhere in the world if you have an internet connection.
iMist 3 can allow you to set up automatic scheduling so you never miss a day. It can also connect to the weather forecast to avoid misting during harsh weather, including rain, high wind, or cold temperatures. iMist 3 also has leaking detection technology, which can alert you to any leaks in the nozzles and tanks, thereby preventing overspraying the yard. iMist’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to use, providing cost-effective convenience.
iMist 3 offers 24/7 surveillance of your yard to ensure your area can be mosquito-free. It can also alert you to any problems regarding your misting system and whether the tanks need to be refilled. Texan Mosquito Systems can help you set up iMist 3 and help you use it. It is so easy, it’s fun!

Keep your kids safe with our services.
Trust in Our Mosquito System Today!
With all the perks of a mosquito misting system, as well as its easy monitoring, you need never worry about your yard becoming plagued by these pests again. Whether you own a residence or a commercial area, it pays dividends to enjoy a mosquito-free outdoors. Mosquitos bring and spread many harmful diseases, so our mosquito misting system is the best way you can avoid the most harmful of health setbacks.
We can install and maintain your mosquito misting system through monthly or bi-monthly visits, however long you want. Plus, if you are building a new home or building, we can even build mosquito-proof features on it.
Our automated and easily controllable misting systems are no joke, so contact Texan Mosquito Systems today! If you’d like to learn more about our services, feel free to browse through the rest of our educational blog. If you are ready to make your yard or area mosquito and pest-free, call our expert team today to get started!