Frisco TX Mosquito Yard Control

Are you looking for Frisco TX mosquito yard control? Texan Mosquito Systems has the perfect mosquito yard control for you. We offer affordable, professionally installed misting systems that keep your home free from mosquitos. Every year millions of people suffer from mosquito-borne diseases, some of which are severe and even lethal. Because of this, you must prevent these diseases from being in your backyard and need to consider Frisco TX mosquito yard control.

For years we have been installing, maintaining, and repairing effective and long-lasting misting systems in homes big and small. Additionally, we install our tank or tankless systems in commercial businesses. Give us a call today at (713)-344-1984 to get a free yard evaluation.

Frisco TX mosquito yard control

Frisco TX mosquito yard control

Why Do Mosquitos Bite?

A lot of people wonder why these pests bite some people more than others. As a result, many scientists have studies that indicate there are many factors. Some of the elements are genetic, and others are environmental. Below are some of the most common reasons why mosquitos bite some people more than others:

Carbon Dioxide

These bugs can sense changes in carbon dioxide in their habitat. When you or other people are outside, you are exhaling carbon dioxide. Furthermore, the more active a person is, the more carbon dioxide they exhale. Because of this, mosquitos are more likely to bite you when you are outside exercising or doing yard work. All the physical movement causes you to burn more energy, and mosquitos will rush in ready to bite.

High Body Temperature

Another reason mosquitos are biting you is if you have a high body temperature. The people who are most susceptible to being bit by mosquitos due to high body temperature are pregnant women. Specifically, mosquitos tend to bite their victims around their feet, ankles, and head. This is again due to the fact that it is where the human body produces the most amount of heat.

Your Body Odor and Blood Type

Lastly, your body odor is one of the biggest reasons you are facing mosquito bites. The human body produces many chemical compounds, and the bacteria on your skin also attracts mosquitos. Experts believe that a combination of all these things are genetic and vary from person to person. Additionally, a study shows that people with O-Blood type are 83% more likely to be bitten than any other blood type.

Diseases Mosquitos Carry

Mosquitos do a lot more than bite and ruin your day. They are effective pathogen carriers. A pathogen is any virus, bacteria, or microorganism that causes harm to the human body. If you are under the impression that mosquito-borne diseases are not common in the United States, then think again. Every year hundreds are affected. Some of the most common diseases spread by mosquitos include the following:

Frisco TX mosquito yard control

Mosquitos are excellent at carrying diseases straight to your home.

  • Zika Virus
  • Dengue
  • Chikungunya Virus
  • Malaria
  • West Nile Virus
  • Eastern Equine Encephalitis
  • Western Equine Encephalitis
  • Yellow Fever
  • And much, much more!

Texan Mosquito Systems offers you and your family the protection you need. As a homeowner, the last thing you should worry about is your family getting one of these terrible diseases. Our professionally installed misting systems offer year-round protection. We give you a free yard evaluation and will schedule to send one of our best technicians to your home and give you an affordable quote. Don’t delay, get Frisco TX mosquito yard control. Call us today to protect your home at (713)-344-1984.

The Lifecycle of the Mosquito

To understand why mosquitos breed so rapidly, it’s essential to understand their lifecycle. There are over 3,000 species of mosquitos in the world, 176 in the world, and 85 in Texas. Mosquito season here lasts from early March to even late October. However, that doesn’t mean you are fully mosquito-free. The eggs are very resilient and survive in the harsh winter months to hatch during springtime. The lifecycle of the mosquito is divided into four parts.

Frisco TX mosquito yard control

Mosquitos undergo a four-stage lifecycle.

The Egg

When a female mosquito is pregnant, she flies around until she finds a body of water or a nursery. She lays her eggs there in clusters or rafts which float and stick together. The female mosquito lays anywhere from 100 to 300 eggs at a time. Bear in mind that is only from one mosquito. When you have a lot of mosquitos laying eggs in your yard, it’s easy to see why infestations are so common. After a few days, they will hatch into larvae.


These juvenile mosquitos look like small aquatic worms and feast on organic matter floating around their nursery. They are very active and molt four times, growing in size after every molt. Larvae have siphon tubes that allow them to hang upside down in the water.


After their fourth molt, larvae become a pupa. During the pupal stage, they have a cocoon-like appearance and do not feed during this time. The pupal stage is when they undergo a metamorphosis to become a full adult mosquito. Despite not feeding, they are still able to move and interact with their environment.

Adult Stage

Finally, after approximately four days, the adult mosquito emerges. It will lie still on the surface of the water while it waits for its wings and body to harden. Once this happens, it will fly off to feed and mate. It should be noted that female mosquitos feed on blood, whereas the males feed on the nectar of plants.

Frisco TX mosquito yard control from Texan Mosquito Systems

As you can see, there is a lot that goes into why mosquitos bite and why they breed so quickly. Most importantly, you can see why they are so dangerous. When you call Texan Mosquito Systems, you are taking the correct steps into having a mosquito-free future. We are proud to install, maintain, and repair your misting system, no problem.Our representatives are courteous and will answer any questions you have. Customer service and high-quality installation is what we do best. For the best prices in Frisco TX mosquito yard control, call us today!

Fun Facts about Frisco, TX

  • This growing city got its name from the St. Louis – San Francisco Railway that went through the location in 1902.
  • Frisco, Texas, is one of the fastest-growing cities in the United States. It has grown in population by 470% since 2000.
  • The city is home to many fantastic entertainment opportunities. You can visit the Dr. Pepper Ballpark or shop at the Stonebriar Mall. To learn more exciting facts about Frisco, Texas, click here.