Are you looking for Frisco TX mosquito control for yard? Look no further Texan Mosquito Systems can assist you with your pesky needs. Not only do we install some of the best misting systems in the industry, but we also help you maintain your system over the years for long-lasting results.
Texan Mosquito also offers customers installation for new construction. Mosquitoes can cause great danger to your family, friends, employees, or clients. Provide everyone you care about and value with a safe environment to live or dwell in. Mosquitoes are not only pesky, but they also can carry pathogens and diseases that can be extremely detrimental to your health.

Mosquitos carry many diseases, so it’s essential to keep children safe.
Things to Know About the Mosquito
In reality, mosquitoes are considered to be some of the most dangerous insects on Earth. They have the capability of spreading diseases such as malaria, Zika, and many other life-threatening illnesses.
There are over 3,000 known mosquito species, with 170 of them being in the U.S. They come in many sizes, colors, and some avoid humans and only feed on particular animals.
Mosquito Characteristics
Mosquitoes are typically very slender and fragile, with the average adult only being 16 mm long weighing just 0.04g. The size of the mosquito, as stated before, can vary and depends upon the larva population and the amount of food they have access to.
The mosquito’s slim body is made up of a head, the thorax, and the abdomen. Connected to the head is a pair of long antennas, which is how they detect the host’s smell or is a way of finding breeding sites.
Additionally, the male mosquitoes beat their wings 450-600 times per second and can fly a distance of 20 miles or more. Many mosquitoes prefer to stay close to their breeding site and tend not to fly more than a mile away.
How Mosquitoes Bite
Only female mosquitoes have the mouthparts to bite and retrieve blood from the host. She needs the protein of nourishment and to develop eggs to procreate. If she is not provided with the proper amount of blood, she will most likely die without laying healthy eggs.
She senses exhaled carbon dioxide, body odors, and movement of the with the victim with her antennas and then penetrates the skin with the proboscis. Through one of the tubes, she injects her saliva to prevent clotting. Through the other tube, she takes the blood into her body. It is the saliva that she injects, which causes bumps and itching.
When mosquitoes simply bite a human is when they transmit diseases, but not all species will bite humans. There are mosquitoes that are solely attracted to birds, pets, horses, and reptiles.
The Lifespan of the Mosquito
The mosquito lives through four phases of its life from the egg to larval to pupa and then lastly an adult. Mosquitoes lay around 10-2000 eggs in water, and it takes it about 4-7 days before their cycle is complete, and they transition into an adult. One egg can survive in an ideal environment for up to five years or more.
The lifespan of a mosquito is very short and depends on the surrounding temperature, air quality, and season. The male mosquito lives for only a week or two, while females can survive up to 3 weeks to a month.
The Average Mosquito Diet
Both the male and female mosquito feeds on nectar and plant juices. This is where most of their energy comes from. For females, the blood is

Frisco, TX Mosquito Control for Yard
packed with nutrients, but this is solely for her need to produce eggs. The female mosquito is able to consume about 300ml of blood a day.
Mosquito’s Habitat
Mosquitoes can be found in numbers all over the world. They even live in cold regions like Antarctica. Generally, they like to live in warmer regions with humid temperatures such as the tropics and try to stay away from extremely hot or extremely cold climates
Mosquitoes lay their eggs in still water, such as ponds, swamps, puddles left over after rain. They will also breed in roof gutters and containers of waters, such as buckets
Some Predators of the Mosquito
Aside from humans, the mosquito has natural predators such as the dragonfly, which will feast on the mosquito at any stage. Bats, fish, frogs, and birds also prey on these pesky bugs.
Texan Mosquito Services
Our company offers our clients the best misting system for residential or commercial property. Contacting us is vital to help prevent you and others from potential health problems. The health of our clients is essential, and our team of experts is ready to resolve any issue you may have with mosquitoes.
The Installation
We do not want to alter the aesthetic of your outside space at all; that is why we provide a plan tailored to your home or business. Our team ensures to install our misting system properly to guarantee efficiency and safety. Not only to our team of professionals work with their hands, but they will also be in constant communication with the client to provide as much information as possible.
Mosquito Systems Maintenance
When you contact Texan Mosquito for maintenance, we promise to provide the highest level of customer service. Additionally, if you are an

Texan Mosquito Systems gets rid of mosquitos once and for all.
existing customer who needs their misting system serviced or a new client who needs a new mosquito service provider, Texan Mosquito is here to support you fully. The client can arrange to schedule monthly, bi-monthly, and custom visits. Every visit will consist of cleaning, refill, and retooling your system to perform at optimum capacity. Furthermore, we can suggest a plan that is best for you. This will include a number of checks and maintenance that you demand.
Frisco TX Mosquito Control For Yard
Texan Mosquito Systems also provides our clients with repair services on any misting systems. We want each of our clients to live in a safe environment without the worry of pesky mosquitoes around. Stop searching for Frisco, TX Mosquito control for yard, and give us a call at (713) 344-1984.
Frisco, TX Fun Facts
- Frisco, Texas is located in Denton and Collin Counties, approximately 25 miles north of downtown Dallas, the Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport and Dallas Love Field.
- Is known for business with new corporations calling Frisco home each day.
- The population is Surpassing 192,000 residents.
- For more fun facts on Frisco, TX, search here.